About the Course

This month long journey with Kundalini Yoga is carefully curated to work the numerology of the month to maximize the results. This course is held on a private Instagram page (@cosmic_kundalini) and features a live stream daily practice. In addition to our daily practice, there will be one workshop and a two mini meditations taught weekly that fit the theme of the month. Every livestream class is saved to the page to allow you to practice daily when it’s convenient for you. All members will have access to the material from the previous courses throughout the month they are enrolled in, so make sure to check them out. If you are ready to learn how to train your brain and embark on this journey with the powerful technology of Kundalini Yoga, then this is the course for you.

May: Commitment to Self 

You are a spiritual being having a human experience here on Earth. There are many different paths on the spiritual journey but all roads lead to the same destination, the point in which we are able to connect to and be covered by an unlimited source of energy. When you tap into this power, you can push beyond your limits and overcome otherwise impossible obstacles. May is about clearly defining your goals, understanding your purpose, and figuring out what spirituality means to YOU. There is no right or wrong way to be spiritual, all judgement ends here. Find out who you really are, hear the call of the soul, and clear the path. This is where transformation begins and positive change becomes guaranteed. Travel in a direction that supports your ever-expanding growth. Watch your dreams unfold.

  • -Alyssa F.

    Allie's Kundalini classes have been so nourishing!  She shares the practices in such an accessible way and explains why we are doing what we are doing, which creates a solid foundation for the practice making it more meaningful.  She meets you where you are and provides such a supportive environment.  I am so grateful for Allie as a teacher and can honestly say that just a few days into the class I have felt a shift and a lightness in myself as I continue to practice.  I am so happy to have opened this new level of understanding and all thanks to Allie!

  • -Brianna F.

    My journey with Kundalini yoga has been truly life changing.  I'm so thankful for meeting Allie and learning this practice and breath work.  It has done wonders with helping my anxiety and regulating my nervous system.  Allie makes the class easy to follow and gives you lots of background information about the mantras and movements.  She also ties numerology into the month which I love!  The online platform is awesome and gives me the opportunity to practice in the comfort of my own home as frequently as I would like.  If you haven't given Kundalini a try yet, I highly recommend Allie's classes!

  • -C'Asia

    Allie's class is the most powerful yoga class I've ever experienced.  When I leave my mind is free and my body is energized.  She's amazing!

  • -Mia

    This is the first time I've ever tried committing to a daily practice.  At first, I was intimidated after the first class because it was something my body and my nervous system had not experienced and, in the beginning, it was hard to let go and relax into the Kriya.  But as I continued to show up and get on my mat, it was like my body knew the flow so soon.  It came so naturally to me, still challenging in a way that I could push myself through.  And pushing myself, alone, has given me so much confidence and security in myself.  Not only that, but I can tell my nervous system is positively responding to this because as I am presented with day-to-day tribulations, I am walking through these ebbs and flows with ease.  I was always a reactive person, and just over the past 21 days I have noticed a significant difference in my reactions and responses.  I am grounded so I come from a place of love rather than fear, and when I come from fear, I can recognize that and any anger or frustration that comes with it and I release those feelings with love and grace.  Not only does the physical movement help, but the meditation state as we move through the Kriya has really helped the balance in my brain.  It's a work in progress, but there are noticeable differences that make me eager to continue the practice ater the month is over.

  • -Oscar

    Allie's practice is so deep that it always takes me deeper into an exuberant state.  It activates all my senses and puts me in a deep meditative state.  She expresses all the different practices and mantras down to all their meanings and their history.

  • -Larissa D

    Allie incorporated relevant quotes into her class, and they really resonated with me while I moved through the practice.  She encouraged me to challenge myself and push through the discomfort.  She also took time to explain how to do each part of the practice before moving on to the next portion.